6 Common Height Safety Mistakes

6 Common Height Safety Mistakes

Most workplaces strive to adhere to strict height safety standards. Unfortunately, a careless mistake or a moment of complacency can lead to a tragic accident. 

It is important that despite your experience or the task at hand, you always maintain height safety standards and are aware of the potential risks in your environment.

Below, we describe six of the most common height safety mistakes.

  1. Poorly designed height safety system

Executing a compliant height safety system involves careful analysis, planning and attention to detail. Poorly designed systems create unsafe working environments that are not compliant with Australian standards or suited to the unique specifications of the workplace.

Common design mistakes include:

    Anchors out of pendulum.

    Roof anchor points incorrectly spaced.

    Pitch of the roof not taken into consideration.

    Varying roof height access not in place.

  1. Height safety risks incorrectly calculated

Multiple components must be considered to create a safe working environment. These include eliminating hazards, installing a prevention system and providing administration controls (including anchor points). If one of the risk factors isn’t considered, the environment may be unsafe.

  1. Australian height safety standards not met

Australian industry standards must be met on every worksite. They are non-negotiable for every worker, every size job and every location. Not using equipment because ‘it’s only a quick job’ or ‘I’ve done this a million times I don’t need it’, is not only failing to comply, but it is also unnecessarily risky.

  1. Underspecifying

Every workplace has unique safety requirements. Underspecifying the level of equipment could create an unsafe working environment. This is both dangerous and preventable.

  1. Poor quality equipment

In the event of a fall, you rely on your height safety equipment including fall arrest systems, roof guardrails and static lines to protect you. Poor quality equipment can be dangerous. Additionally, it may require replacement faster than high-quality equipment due to the materials being of a lower standard. We recommend you invest in high-quality equipment and make every effort to maintain it.  

  1. Incorrect installation

A qualified and competent installer should always install your height safety equipment. An inexperienced installer may use too much equipment or not enough equipment.  

Quality height safety equipment is designed to provide maximum protection against falls. It is also constructed using reliable and durable materials that have been tried and tested in a variety of conditions. When selecting height safety equipment, always seek expert advice and ensure the equipment adheres to the Australian standards.

At Australian Height Safety Services, we are committed to using high-quality equipment to keep workers safe. For more information or to source quality height safety equipment in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney, contact Australian Height Safety Services on 1300 854 217.

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