24 Mar Different Types Of Roof Harnesses
When accessing a roof for work, such as for maintenance or renovations, it is important that regulations are followed and that safety is at the forefront of the process. There is a wide array of options available for reducing falls risk and improving efficiency. One such choice is a roof harness.
A safety harness enables a worker to attach themselves to a fixed point to reduce risk and limit damage caused if a fall does occur. It is important to note that there is a wide range of harnesses available, and some will suit certain situations and requirements better than others.
Australian Height Safety Services is committed to reducing the risk and dangers associated with working at a height. We can assess and identify which roof harness will work best for your needs and assist you in obtaining and using the appropriate type.
What Are Your Requirements?
When choosing which safety harness to use for roof access, it is important to identify what your needs are because there are various features that allow for different activities to be undertaken.
Reasons why a roof safety harness may be used include the following:
Reduced Falls Risk
Being attached to a secure point in an appropriate harness decreases the risk of slipping off a roof or platform. The harness must allow the worker to move freely when negotiating obstructions, ladders, railings, and equipment. Certain harness designs are better suited for vertical or horizontal positioning. For example, one with a belt can provide support during vertical climbing up a ladder
Read: Why do you need an anchor point system and safety harness?
Improved Productivity
Using a safety harness can free up a worker’s hands as there is less of a need to hold on to rails, for example. This means that you increase productivity, which can potentially reduce the time taken on each task.
Reliable Suspension
Some harnesses allow for work to be undertaken in a suspended position, such as seat harnesses. Leg straps connected to a belt create a chair-like set up, and shoulder straps can be added for extra support and comfort.
Factors to Consider When Choosing A Harness
There are several aspects to bear in mind when choosing a safety harness for roof access. These can include the following:
- Duration and frequency of use determines the positioning and comfort levels required.
- Choosing a harness that feels comfortable may result in decreased efficiency or safety if it does not fit correctly or suit the situation appropriately. It is vital that the right design is chosen.
- The ability to put on the harness easily and correctly is paramount. Whether this is done independently or with assistance, safety, comfort and efficiency relies on appropriate use.
- Budget requirements can impact the quality and frequency of replacement, even when a harness becomes damaged or contaminated, which can lead to dangerous and uncomfortable results.
Roof Harness Types
There are a variety of harness types to choose from. Some of these include the following:
Y- Style Harness
This harness construction is based on the concentration of the applied force to the central point, which allows for comfort and easier movement. It can be more tricky to put on than other designs as it requires the user to step into it.
H-Style Harness
This style involves a full body, lightweight design and is suitable for general height work. It consists of standard front and rear fall arrest components and straps that are adjustable for the torso, chest, and legs. A waist belt can be added to allow for different positioning that involves occasional hands-free work.
W-Style Harness
The W-style harness spreads the force and power evenly, improving comfort and safety when undertaking tasks that involve strenuous movements.
Rope Access Harness
This harness suits tasks that involve prolonged suspension as they provide reduced pressure points and support in a semi-seated position.
Tower Harness
With a drop seat or pad and forward rings, this harness is ideal for tasks that involve the user needing both hands for extended periods.
Confined Space Harness
This harness includes rescue points on the shoulder straps, which make them ideal for situations in which the worker might need to be pulled up in a situation such as an emergency.
Also read about Scaffolding Harness
Roof Safety Harnesses Can Improve Safety, Productivity, And Comfort
Using a roof safety harness can be highly beneficial when needing roof access for a variety of tasks and jobs. It is important to understand what each type offers in terms of safety and comfort features, and align your choice with your requirements.
At Australian Height Safety Services, we are experienced with the provision and use of roof safety harnesses. We can advise you which is the most suitable for your situation and guide you on how to use them correctly and effectively.
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