Who Can Install Roof Anchor Points in Australia?

Who can install roof anchor points in Australia

Who Can Install Roof Anchor Points in Australia?

Installing roof anchor points correctly is paramount to everybody’s safety. Whether roof anchor points will be permanent or temporary, ensuring they’re properly secured is essential for fall protection. When you need roof anchor points installed, you may wonder: Who can install roof anchor points? Can anybody do it, or does it need to be a specialist? It may seem like a simple task, but it’s often much more complex than some people think.

This article explains who can install roof anchor points in Australia and why professional installation is recommended. For personalised advice, contact our team at Australian Height Safety Services today.

Who Can Install Roof Anchor Points in Australia?

Only a competent person should install roof anchor points. In this instance, a competent person is an experienced technician who has undergone specific training. This training ensures they have knowledge of fall protection systems and working at heights, offering the highest level of safety possible.

In jurisdictions, only trained professionals who have previous experience with the specific type of anchor point you need installed may install them.

When it comes to installing roof anchor points, there are certain professionals who may be qualified to perform this job. These include:

  • Safety equipment suppliers— Some suppliers just provide the safety equipment itself, while others may also offer installation services, such as for roof anchor points.
  • Fall protection specialists— These specialists excel in fall protection and have the knowledge and experience to install roof anchor points and ensure they adhere to safety standards.
  • Certified roofers— As certified roofers work at heights regularly, they often include roof anchor point installation as part of their services.
  • Construction companies— Depending on the type of construction a company does, they may be able to install roof anchor points for certain projects.
  • Licensed contractors— When working with a licensed contractor for a project requiring roof anchor points, their qualifications may include this.
  • Industrial rope access technicians— These technicians regularly work at heights and may be experienced in installing roof anchor points, even in challenging locations.

Whether you choose to engage a safety equipment supplier, a certified roofer, or another professional, ensure you do your research before doing so. This includes researching the specific person or company you choose to work with. You should:

  • Check their credentials, such as ensuring they’re certified to install fall protection and safety systems.
  • View samples of installations they’ve performed in the past.
  • Ensure they’re up to date with safety standards and regulations.
  • Inform them of any requirements you have for your project, including any unique needs or aspects they may need to consider.
  • Obtain a quote that covers the installation cost and timeline.


Why Should I Engage a Height Safety Specialist to Install Roof Anchor Points?

Installing roof anchor pointsRoof anchor points align with a roof pattern or profile, reducing the time it may take to pre-drill on particular roof types. This also aims to minimise any damage to existing roof sheeting. As such, installing roof anchor points may appear simple to the everyday person walking past a construction site.

However, people who work at heights understand how important it is to consider every single aspect of this intricate and essential part of a project.

People who have undergone specific training and have experience in installing roof anchor points are able to ensure that they’re placed and secured correctly. In contrast, a person without this knowledge may place the anchor points in the incorrect spot, not secure them properly, or both. This may lead to injury or worse for the person working at heights and potentially any other people nearby. As such, working with a professional is highly recommended.

Additionally, safety regulations and standards may differ in different areas. In some settings, this may mean engaging a professional is even more crucial.

Invest in Your Safety With Australian Height Safety Services

Investing in safety is always a wise choice. At Australian Height Safety Services, your safety is our first priority. We use the Safya Group range of roof anchor points, ensuring height safety compliance and minimising the risk of injury. Whether you’re in Victoria, New South Wales, or Queensland, we’re here to help see your project through safely.

1300 941 211

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